Youth Leader Tools and Registration


Paul wrote a letter to the Church in Rome with a very specific map inside. The map isn’t hidden or secret. The map wasn’t even difficult to follow. Paul simply put to paper the truth - everyone has sinned, there’s a cost to that sin, and we can’t save ourselves on our own. Jesus’ death and resurrection is a gift that covers the cost of sin, and once we put our faith in Him – we don’t need to worry anymore.

District Blitz is going to be all about Paul’s road map. Can we use his map? Can we take his direction, apply it to our personal walk, and make our way down the road?

Each rally includes worship, student-led prayer, and messages to challenge students about their understanding of the Gospel. This will also challenge them in 2 ways:

  1. Examine how the Gospel is changing their lives personally

  2. How the Gospel gives direction to relationships around them.


What Is District Blitz?


We desire students to go deeper in their faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ, so we are offering a number of different seminars and workshops that will encourage them to live out their faith in all areas of their life.


Following each of the rallies, groups will have a time to meet to discuss and interact with what they just heard. We have a limited number of rooms so larger groups will be assigned spaces.


We will have several recreation options available for groups. In addition, students will have the opportunity to help local churches and ministries by providing various services for them. We will have 300-500 spots available.


About 45 minutes prior to each rally, we will have a time set aside for students and leaders that want to commit our rally time to the Lord. This time is spent in large group and small group prayer.


All groups will be responsible for their own meals while at the conference.

The focus of this weekend is ministering to students. We trust leaders will set the example by following conference rules and encouraging their students to do the same.